By Laura Braden Quigley, CTIPP's Director of Communications and Outreach
What makes a policy trauma-informed?
CTIPP believes the following components can help ensure transformation occurs at every level of society to build a trauma-informed society that provides the necessary support for individuals, families, organizations, communities, and systems to adapt to adversity and stress in healthy and productive ways.
Refers to the impacts of trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), etc. on development and well-being
Prioritizes upstream prevention whenever possible instead of simply mitigating against trauma once it occurs.
Makes resources that address trauma more accessible and equitable
Engages people with lived experience and providers of trauma-informed and trauma-specific services in the development of policy ideas and implementation
Targets policy efforts that reflect the realities of practice and lived experience
Supports research and evidence related to best practices and policies grounded in neuroscience, epigenetics, ACEs, and resilience (NEAR)
Establishes a central locus for trauma-informed policy/decision-making
Provides training requirements for the workforce and education for community leaders or the public
Calls for cultural humility and appropriate training and services
Funds a public education or awareness program to deepen understanding of trauma and its impacts
Includes efforts to strengthen the resilience/protective factors of children, families, and communities impacted by trauma
Emphasizes continuity of care and cross-sector collaboration among child- and family-serving systems
Helps maintain an environment of collective care for the workforce that interfaces with trauma
Be sure to check out the dimensions of our vision for a trauma-informed society and our current policy priorities.
Have feedback? We’d love to hear from you!