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History of the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice

The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) was created in December 2015 by representatives from diverse sectors, including education, mental health, justice, civil society, and government. Since then, CTIPP has informed and advocated for public policies and practices that incorporate scientific findings on the relationship between trauma, health, and well-being across the lifespan.

We also work to dismantle oppression – including but not limited to racism, classism, sexism, transphobia/homophobia, and ableism – to develop trauma-informed, healing-centered policies and practices that promote healthy and resilient communities.

In our brief history, CTIPP has made considerable strides in the trauma-informed movement. When we began, there were no mentions of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Congressional appropriation bills, and as of 2022, there are now over 30 programs funded to address trauma and ACEs.

Our National Trauma Campaign has members in all 50 states, and this organic momentum occurred with volunteers and no dedicated funding. Our Community Advocacy Network calls also reach hundreds of practitioners each month to continue to spread new information about the trauma-informed movement.


  • Convened the first meeting to develop CTIPP


  • Drafted a concept paper (authored by Susan Salasin, Andy Blanch, and Sandra Bloom) for a national organization whose goal would be to advocate for local, statewide and national policies aligned with an understanding of the impact of violence and trauma as a major public health problem facing the country

  • Finalized the name, mission, goals, logic model, by-laws, and website

  • Formed a Board of Directors and Advisory Board to reflect the diverse interests, voices, and concerns around the issues of trauma, adversity, and resilience

  • Released: Building a Trauma-Informed Society (Dan Press)



  • Officially incorporated as a nonprofit organization

  • Made recommendations to Senators Heitkamp, Durbin, and Franken bill

  • Hosted Congressional briefings on trauma-informed services, epigenetics, and communities

  • Devised a student engagement strategy and survey

  • Developed  partnership agreements with stakeholders

  • Launched webinars and CTIPP-CAN (Community Advocacy Network) meetings

  • Released Advocacy Tips and The Science of Childhood Trauma as a Driver of Chronic Illnesses

  • Released Trauma-Informed Approaches Need to be Part of a Comprehensive Strategy for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic

  • Released A Template for Trauma-Informed Advocacy to assist non-lobbyists in the methodology and importance of advocacy (Dan Press)


  • Supported Congressional resolution for the development of a Trauma-Informed Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives

  • Supported the Congressional work of Reps. Gallagher and Davis by reviewing and adding insights to develop HR 443, a trauma-informed resolution that passed in February with unanimous bipartisan support in the House

    • A companion resolution was prepared by Senators Heitkamp and Johnson, SR 346, and passed in May

    • CTIPP board members were integral advisors on both resolutions and also supported the development of the Trauma-Informed Care Caucus

  • Released CTIPP Position on Evidence-Supported Practices and Policies

  • Released Information Bulletin: Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice

  • Released Working for Healthy, Just, and Resilient Communities


  • Held Board nominations and elected new members

  • Received the Distinguished Service Award of the American Psychiatric Association, given for meritorious service to the field of psychiatry

  • Supported IRTC call to action on climate change and released related policy endorsements

  • Collaborated with a group of students from the Bryn Mawr School of Social Work to clarify and further develop an organizational structure

  • Co-sponsored the Center for Hunger-Free Communities research brief: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Food Insecurity

  • Proposed Beyond ACEs: A Public Will-Building Campaign to Catalyze Social Transformation

  • Released Information Bulletin: Community Advocacy Network (CTIPP-CAN)

  • Released Legislative Vision for Reducing the Causes and Effects of Childhood Trauma


  • Launched quarterly coordination meetings with stakeholders in partnership with PACES Connection​

  • Launched National Trauma Campaign with Child Trauma and ACEs Policy (CTAP) and recruited advocates from all fifty states

  • Developed COVID-19 and House Caucus Ask toolkits

  • Developed and distributed a Biden-Harris first 100 days’ priorities stakeholder/coalition letter

  • Created anti-racism survey and changed wording and emphasis in mission and website based on survey and committee recommendations; released statement/policy on racism

  • Supported ITRC's campaign to enact new climate change-related mental wellness and resiliency policies


  • Awarded first-ever grants from the Winer Family Foundation and the Burke Foundation to support operations and organizational growth

  • Reached out to Congressional offices and the Biden-Harris Administration on several matters, including a Trauma-Informed Agenda for the First 100 Days memo, Trauma-Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear piece, and suggestions for the RISE from Trauma Act

  • Coordinated statewide regional coordinator meetings, coalitions for trauma-informed first spouses and state legislators, an eight-part workshop series, a podcast, and an early childhood education workshop and toolkit



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