By Whitney Marris, Trauma Therapist and Director of Trauma-Informed Practice & System Transformation
NOTE: The enclosed is sample legislation from CTIPP’s 2022 Trauma-Informed Policy Development Highlights. It is meant to be educational and aspirational for trauma-informed advocacy.
Sample Legislation: Colorado House Bill 1281
CTIPP Policy Dimension: Progress mental and behavioral health (30% of trauma-informed bills ITTIC analyzed were aligned with this dimension)
Summary: This measure, signed into law in May of 2022, establishes the Behavioral Healthcare Continuum Gap Grant Program within the Behavioral Health Administration of the state (which itself was created through legislation in 2021).
The appropriation in the measure is for $90 million in total, including $75 million in Behavioral Healthcare Continuum Gap Grants ($35 million in community investment grants as well as $40 million for children, youth, and family service grants), along with $15 million for the Substance Use Workforce Stability grant program to support direct care staff.
Notably, the $75 million in the Behavioral Healthcare Continuum Gap Grant Program would be awarded to provide evidence-based and evidence-informed services along the behavioral healthcare continuum, including prevention, treatment, crisis services, recovery, harm reduction, care navigation and coordinating transitional and supportive housing, culturally-responsive, trauma-informed training, and trauma recovery among children and families seeking behavioral health supports.
Additionally, through the administration of these grants, the Behavioral Health Administration is tasked with developing a standardized assessment tool to identify regional gaps in services to address unmet behavioral health needs, to target substance use, and to reach populations that are otherwise underserved throughout the state.
Explore CTIPP’s 2022 Trauma-Informed Policy Development Highlights