WAVE Trust and the 70/30 Campaign with Aidan Phillips
SUMMARY: The March 2021 CTIPP CAN call featured WAVE Trust, a UK-based charity that has been campaigning for greater prevention of trauma, and trauma-informed services, for 25 years. WAVE Trust is well known for its ambitious campaign to reduce ACEs in the UK by 70% by 2030 (their 70/30 Campaign).
1:02 Trauma-Informed First Spouses Coalition
5:55 Policy Updates
11:49 WAVE Trust
12:52 WAVE Trust Introduction
14:44 Impact of WAVE's Work
19:47 72% of UK Parliament MPs
21:14 UK Parliaments
23:14 Let's Share Our Experiences
24:16 What do we want from them?
28:55 Lobby Politicians to Amend Ongoing Legislation
30:36 What do we want from them?
40:05 Where do we submit our proposals?
40:26 Submit Evidence to Enquiries
42:45 Secure a Place in Party Manifestos
59:22 ….and build relationships with your main contacts
1:01:41 Who do we work with?
1:01:55 Be Secretariat to Cross-Party Groups of Politicians
1:04:46 Bring Experts Together in a Coalition to Lobby
1:07:56 It's Not All About Politicians
1:13:15 Who do we work with?
1:16:50 Q&A/Discussion