Presentation slides from Maggie Bennington-Davis, M.D., MMM and Dr. Angela Diaz, Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center
Speakers, Organizations, and Contact Information
Dan Press | Co-Founder & General Counsel, Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice
Lee Johnson III | Senior Policy Analyst, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health at Zero to Three
Dr. Iheoma Iruka | Research Professor in Public Policy and Director of Equity Research Action Coalition, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Dr. David Adams | Chief Executive Officer, Urban Assembly
Dr. Karen Oehme | Research Associate, Institution for Family Violence at Florida State University
Dr. Dana Milakovic | Mental Health Specialist, Alcohol and Other Drug Specialist, and Trauma Lead, Pennsylvania State Department of Education
Debbie Watson | Principal, Sunset Elementary, Newton Public Schools, Kansas
Dr. Sandra Bloom | Professor, Health Management and Policy at Drexel University, and Co-Founder, Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice
Maggie Bennington Davis | Chief Medical Officer, Health Share of Oregon
Dr. Angela Diaz | Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Environmental Medicine and Public Health, and Global Health, Icahn School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center
Dr. Stan Sonu | Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Public Health/Preventive Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Dr. Laura Jana | Pediatrician, Health Communicator, Author, and Adjunct Faculty, Pennsylvania State University
Marsha Morgan | Founder and CEO, Resilience Builders
Workshop Agenda
00:08:09 | Dan Press | Introduction to Webinar
00:17:14 | Lee Johnson III | Panel 1 Opening: Educational System
00:29:00 | Dr. Iheoma Iruka | Centering the 3Ps to Address Racial Traumas: Asset-Based Programs and Policies that Support the Wellbeing of Racially Minoritized Children
00:47:28 | Dr. David Adams | From Preventing Trauma to Promoting Growth: Using a Social Emotional Learning Framework for Whole Child Development
01:04:01 | Dr. Karen Oehme | Trauma and Resilience in Higher Education
01:20:30 | Dr. Dana Milakovic | Trauma Informed Practices in PA: Mental Wellness and Trauma Specialist Office for Safe Schools
01:42:00 | Ms. Debbie Watson | Lived Experience from the Field
02:16:44 | Dr. Sandra Bloom | Panel 2 Opening: Health Care Systems
02:28:00 | Maggie Bennington Davis | Health Share of Oregon Life Study
02:43:00 | Angela Diaz | Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience-Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center
03:01:30 | Dr. Stan Sonu | Pediatric Primary Care Clinician’s Perspective on How to Cultivate Resilience Focused Relational Health
03:18:10 | Dr. Laura Jana | Connecting the Dots
03:48:03 | Marsha Morgan | Helping Change the Medical System from Within
Workshop Overview
This workshop is divided into two panels. Panel 1 focuses on the educational system. Frameworks are provided (such as the 3Ps and Social Emotional Learning) to help us understand and provide trauma-informed educational systems. This panel includes a range of perspectives including, from researchers, a mental health specialist, a school principal, and a policy analyst.
Panel 2 focuses on the healthcare system. As such, it includes the perspective of a range of health care providers. Panelists present the work and programs they have been involved in, offering information on the current state of healthcare systems and tactical steps towards making the field more trauma-informed. At the end of both panels there is a Q&A where panelists briefly respond to specific questions.
Why is this Workshop Important?
Education and healthcare are two of the most effective ways to reach children. This webinar is an opportunity to learn from experts about their experiences pioneering trauma-informed practices in their fields. From frameworks to powerful stories, this webinar offers a range of information that presents the current state of trauma awareness in both education and the healthcare system.
00:40:00 - 00:40:39 | Dr. Iheoma Iruka | “What is it that marginalized populations including black people have been doing in response to being denied housing, loan, education, humanity, right? There are responses that communities actually do and for black people and other people of color there are cultural assets, and I call them resistance assets that you bring when you are being denied opportunities, access and experiences similar to those who may not look like you.”
02:33:23 - 02:33:46 | Maggie Bennington Davis | “It’s sort of a reverse of the medicalization of social issues and stories, we call it the “storyalization” (...) of our medical system. We’re trying to get the medical systems to recognize the social and emotional factors much more than they have historically.”
02:41:50 - 02:41:55 | Dr. Sandra Bloom | “It’s pretty basic, it’s pretty simple. Just take care of children and young families.”
02:48:36 - 02:48:36 | Angela Diaz | “Those that were (sexually) abused were more likely to have a history of running away. So when you see a kid running away, don’t just say ‘it’s a teenager running away, that’s what they do’. No, find out what are they running away from.”
02:50:06 - 02:50:26 | Angela Diaz | “When you see one (type of) abuse, look for others. 100% of the youth were sexually abused but also 68% were physically abused, 59% emotionally abused and 28% had had other sexual traumas.”