By Laura Braden Quigley, Director of Communication & Outreach
The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) has partnered with Millersville University to survey early childhood educators (ECE) about their trauma-informed care policies and practices.
The objective is to provide free and open access to real-world illustrations of what trauma-informed care "looks like" in early learning environments.
Childcare professionals from diverse populations and various settings are invited to participate, including urban, rural, tribal, suburban, and both center-based and family-based programs. This includes professionals from Early Head Start programs, university lab schools, therapeutic nursery schools, military programs, non-profit and for-profit organizations, and faith-based programs.
Millersville University will collect and analyze the data, which is confidential and anonymous. There will also be an opportunity to attribute your name to a policy or practice you provide; which is optional and not required to share your ideas.
The deadline to participate is June 30, 2023, and the results are expected to be published by mid-August.
Questions on the survey or data collection/analysis can be sent to or Questions on this project or topic (ECE trauma-informed care) can be sent to