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Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (CTIPP CAN February 2022)

Nurse Family Partnership & Child First, and Families USA with Jenny Wing Harper and Kelly Murphy

Funding for the Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program expires on September 30 of this year. MIECHV is the primary federal funding source for voluntary, evidence-based home visiting programs. Learn more about home visiting, MIECHV, and opportunities to engage in advocacy efforts this year.

  • OCTOBER 3, 2022, UPDATE: Thankfully, after months of advocacy, Congress passed legislation to extend the MIECHV program. Unfortunately, Congress only extended it to December 16, 2022, and did not include the additional funding CTIPP asked for. This short term extension gives us more time to organize and advocate. Fortunately, Congressmembers in the U.S. House of Representatives just introduced the Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act to increase funding and reauthorize the program. CTIPP endorsed this legislation, which is advancing through the Chamber right on time. With the December cliff approaching, please urge Congress to extend and improve this critical program (and encourage others to do the same!).


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