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Developed by Whitney Marris, LCSW
CTIPP envisions a future where individuals, families, organizations, communities, and systems stand empowered to realize their full potential. The enclosed vision presents a variety of concrete considerations that are critical to preventing and mitigating trauma and adversity, as well as promoting resiliency, recovery, healing, and growth so that all are supported to flourish and thrive.
2024 SessionsUrgency, Core Principles, and Benefits of Organizing Community-led Initiatives that Use a Public Health Approach to Build Population Mental Wellness and Transformational Resilience for the Climate Emergency (February 13, 2024) Organizing and Facilitating a Resilience Coordinating Network (RCN) (February 20, 2024) Approaches to Begin Building Community Capacity for Mental Wellness and Transformational Resilience (February 27, 2024) The First Foundational Focus of Building Population Mental Wellness and Resilience for the Climate Emergency: Build Social Connections Across Cultural, Racial, Economic, Geographic, and Organizational Boundaries in the Community (March 5, 2024) The Second Foundational Focus: Ensure a “Just Transition” by Building Healthy, Just, Equitable, Zero-Emission & Climate-Resilient Regenerative Built, Economic, and Ecological Conditions (March 12, 2024) The Third Foundational Focus: Foster Universal Literacy About Mental Wellness and Transformational Resilience (March 19, 2024) The Fourth Foundational Focus: Regularly Engage Residents in Specific Practices that Help Support and Sustain Mental Wellness and Transformational Resilience (March 26, 2024) The Fifth Foundational Focus: Establish Ongoing Opportunities for Residents to Heal Their Traumas (April 2, 2024) Common Challenges Experienced by Community-Led Resilience Coordinating Networks and Options for Addressing Them (April 9, 2024) The Importance of Building Positive New Sources of Meaning, Purpose, Courage, and Hope During the Long Climate Emergency—and Next Steps (April 16, 2024)
Activities & ResourcesClimate CoP Videos Climate CoP Resource List Climate Resilience Resources Guide: Creating Transformational Resilience Coordinating Coalitions for/by Community (January 2024) Briefing Held on the Community Mental Wellness & Resilience Act (September 2023)
2022 SessionsA Public Health Approach to Build Resilience (10/18/22) Community-based initiatives that strengthen the capacity for mental wellness and resilience are urgently needed for the climate emergency, the rise of trauma as an epidemic, and the potential for a public health approach to address these concerns. Resilience Coordination Coalitions (10/25/22) How to organize and operate Resilience Coordinating Coalitions (RCCs) — community-based coalitions that strengthen the capacity for wellness and resilience. Community Healing and Strengthening Resilience (11/1/22) How to engage residents in practices that begin healing trauma and by teaching these skills to others. Mapping & Healing Trauma in Community (11/8/22) One way to start is by helping residents heal the traumas they experienced and/or start by helping residents understand systems effects to map out the cycles of trauma in their community and existing assets that aid the healing process. A Just Transition (11/15/22) The second foundational focus: Ensuring a just transition by engaging residents in creating supportive climate resilient physical/built, economic, and ecological conditions. Developing Universal Literacy About Mental Wellness & Resilience (11/29/22) The third foundational area that is necessary for building population-level capacity for mental wellness and transformational resilience for the climate emergency: Developing universal literacy about mental wellness and resilience. Build & Sustain Mental Wellness & Resilience (12/6/22) The fourth foundational focus: actively engaging residents in specific activities that build and sustain mental wellness and transformational resilience. Ongoing Opportunities (12/13/22) The fifth foundational focus: establishing ongoing opportunities for residents to heal their trauma and how the cohort could move into action and the next steps.
ContactConnect with the Climate CoP through the Resource Innovation Group's contact page.
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